Committee Reviews Snow Removal Procedures

Water, Wastewater, Storm Water and Streets Committee held a special meeting on February 8, 2021 to review procedures relating to hauling away snow from the downtown area along Main. St. Committee members agreed the practice of hauling snow away from the downtown area is important for safety reasons and should be scheduled whenever the banks get high enough that someone cannot reasonably step over them. It is also important for maintaining sight lines and the overall aesthetics of our downtown.
Removal of snow banks will continue to be done by Union Grove DPW in the evening hours for safety purposes, and will be done after all streets having been cleared and stop sign/vision triangles in the Village have been cleared. (As of February 9, 2021, crews are still removing snow from vision triangles from the most recent storms and snow hauling will be done soon). Snow banks will be first hauled away from in front of the post office and then within the two block stretch between 10th Ave. and 12th Ave. Banks will then be hauled away from the remaining parts of Main St. in front of businesses.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we clean up from the recent snow events! For questions, please contact Public Works Director Rick Piette at (262) 770-1587 or
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