Village Government
Village Board
The Village is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees who are elected by Union Grove electors to staggered, two-year terms. The Village President is a part-time office that presides at all board meetings, and signs all ordinances and resolutions. The president votes on all matters that come before the board. Additionally, the president has a leadership role in coordinating the inter-network of Village government, responding to citizens, and representing the Village at state and local events. The board is also made up of six trustees who, like the president, are part-time offices elected at large and represent all Village residents.

Village Board members make policy decisions, enact laws, approve an annual budget and act for the overall benefit and best interest of the Village. Regular Village Board meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. and special meetings are scheduled as needed. Each Village Board Trustee is assigned to serve on about 3-5 committees that each typically meet on a monthly basis or as-needed, as well as the Board of Review which meets at least once annually. The Village Board appoints other citizens to serve on other boards, committees and commissions of the Village. For a listing of Village Board members, visit the Directory page.
Public Participation
Members of the public are encouraged to attend Village meetings and public comments are invited during the public comment section of Village Board meetings. All meetings are publicly noticed by the Village clerk at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time; notices are public on the bulletin board at the Municipal Center and on the Village Meetings webpage. To learn more about how you can make your voice heard at Village meetings, download the Citizens’ Guide to Meetings brochure.
Village Organization
The day-to-day operations of the Village are managed by a Village Administrator, who is appointed by the Village Board on the basis of merit with due regard to training, experience, administrative ability and general fitness for the office. The Administrator ensures that policies and directives of the Village Board are carried out, while providing research and recommendations on policies and programs. A Village Clerk administers elections, issues licenses, maintains official records and carries out other duties described in the Wisconsin Statutes. A Village Treasurer is responsible for annual property tax collections and the accounting functions of the organization. The Village maintains agreements with additional agencies and organizations to provide services like police protection, building inspections, assessments, public health, animal control and recreation programs. The Villages of Union Grove and Yorkville have a joint fire department to provide fire and rescue service to its two communities.
Organizational Chart
The relationship of the various elected and appointed positions is illustrated in the Village’s Organizational Chart, which can be downloaded by clicking here.
The Village of Union Grove has appointed positions Village Committees and Commissions. To be eligible, applicants must reside within the Village limits of Union Grove. If you are interested, please complete an Application for Appointment and submit it to the Village Offices or by e-mail to Applications will be reviewed by the Village President who recommends appointments to the Village Board for approval.
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