Village Of Union Grove Small Business Relief Program

On April 6, the Village Board held a special meeting and approved the creation of a Small Business Relief Program. The purpose of this program is to assist Union Grove businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19 and support business retention until the economy stabilizes. This program is now available with 0% interest, three-month deferral, and up to $5,000 for businesses in the Village of Union Grove. The structure was intentionally created to provide an expedited application and disbursement process. Applications are now being accepted. For more information and to view the application materials, click here.
Funding for the new program is from an existing Union Grove Revolving Loan Fund, originally sourced through federal community development block grant dollars. The program is administered by Racine County Economic Development Corporation (RCEDC) and its business finance team, Business Lending Partners (BLP). For questions, contact Carolyn Engel at (262) 898-7420 or click here.
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