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  • Youth Baseball And Softball Leagues Update

    June 2, 2020 – This summer’s Rec. Department youth baseball and softball programs will be proceeding for all parents who choose to allow their children participate. The YMCA will be putting new rules and safety precautions in place to comply with health department guidelines as much as possible.

  • 2020 Property Assessments

    The Village-wide interim market re-assessment planned for 2020 will not take place this year due to challenges relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Similar to a normal maintenance year, assessment adjustments will be concentrated on new construction for residential and commercial, as well as certain properties that need to be adjusted. 

  • In Person Meetings To Resume On June 1 With Schedule Changes

    Starting on June 1, and until further notice, all Union Grove and Yorkville meetings will be held in the first floor Community Room of the Union Grove Municipal Center. The larger room will allow meetings to have better spacing between attendees.

  • E Waste Collection On Saturday May 9th

    An electronics recycling event will be held at the Union Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant (3710 67th Dr.) on Saturday, May 9, 2020 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The following items will be accepted for collection: computers, monitors, circuit boards, cables, printers, mice, keyboards, TV’s, stereos, VCRs, DVD players, power tools, telephones, small appliances and electrical equipment.

  • Dot Highway 45 Construction Starting May 4

    Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has started a road resurfacing project on Highway 45, between 16th Ave. in Union G rove and Highway 50 in Bristol. WisDOT is preparing to close the section of road in Union Grove beginning on Monday, May 4. During construction, the corridor will be closed to through traffic and detour route will be provided.

  • Village Of Union Grove Small Business Relief Program

    On April 6, the Village Board held a special meeting and approved the creation of a Small Business Relief Program. The purpose of this program is to assist Union Grove businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19 and support business retention until the economy stabilizes.

  • Spring Election Updates Absentee Voting Strongly Encouraged

    A total of 1,264 ballots were counted for the Spring Election on April 7, 2020, accounting for a 46.8% turnout of registered voters in the Village of Union Grove. With respect to Village races on the ballot, incumbents Gordon Svendsen and Ryan M. Johnson were re-elected to Trustee positions #2 and 6, respectively. 

  • Leider Park Playground Upgrades

    On April 13, the Village Board approved the purchase of new playground equipment at Leider Park. The new equipment will be installed in Summer 2020 and will include two slides, swings, climbers and a handring bridge. The project will involve removing the existing outdated equipment from the park – please note the park gate will be closed while some of this work is in progress.

  • Updates On Public Safety And Public Works During Covid 19 Outbreak

    Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, procedures are being implemented to help protect the safety of our first responders and public works crews, while ensuring the needs of the community are being continuously met.

  • UPDATE: Coach Pitch, T-Ball, Girls Fastpitch and Dodgeball Registrations Now Open

    Union Grove Recreation Department offers a variety of sports and activities to help keep residents active.

Contact Us

925 15th Avenue
Union Grove, WI 53182
Phone: (262) 878-1818
Office hours: Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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