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  • COVID-19 Vaccination Updates

    As of January 25, those 65 years of age and older may be vaccinated by healthcare providers, local health departments and private pharmacies. If you are age 65+ and have a local healthcare provider, your local healthcare provider should be reaching out to you, based on vaccine availability.

  • Village Accepting Applications for Utility Operator Apprentice

    The Village of Union Grove is seeking a hard-working, public-service oriented individual with an interest in a career in operating water and wastewater systems to serve as a full-time Utility Operator Apprentice.

  • Snow Emergency Declared: 11:30PM on Jan. 25 through Jan. 26

    A Snow Emergency has been declared in the Village of Union Grove beginning at 11:30 p.m., Monday, January 25, 2021, and remains in effect until 11:59 p.m., Tuesday, January 26, 2021. During a Snow Emergency, no parking is allowed upon any public street, highway, or alley within the Village for the duration of the snow emergency, except for vehicles loading or unloading passengers or property for a period not to exceed 15 minutes and provided that no other parking restriction is violated thereby.

  • 2020 Property Tax Payments

    The 2020 property tax bills (payable in 2021) are now available online and will be mailed to property owners by December 10, 2020. Tax bills may be retrieved online from the Racine County land records system. 

  • 2021 Garbage & Recycling Calendar

    The 2021 Residential Garbage & Recycling Collections calendar was enclosed with the property tax bills and copies can also be downloaded by clicking here.

  • Opportunities to Serve on Village Board

    An announcement from Village Trustee Ryan Johnson can be found in the Winter 2020 issue of the Village Voice newsletter. Trustee Johnson will be stepping down from his role as trustee at the end of month to focus on other commitments.

  • 2021 Dog And Cat Licenses

    Dog and cat owners can now obtain 2021 pet licenses. The fee for the license is $10.00 per neutered/spayed animals and $15.00 for un-neutered/un-spayed animals.

  • Basketball Registrations Open November 23

    Registration for Union Grove Rec. Department Winter Basketball Leagues opened on November 23. Register at the Union Grove Village Offices during normal business hours, by Village Hall drop-box or by mail to: Village of Union Grove, 925 15th Ave., Union Grove, WI 53182.

  • 2021 Village Budget Public Hearing Set For Nov 16

    On November 16, a public hearing will be held at the Village Board meeting regarding the 2021 Village Budget. The budget was prepared over the course of the past three months with input from Village staff and Committees. Drafts were reviewed by the Finance Committee on October 12 and by the full Board on October 19.

  • General Election Information November 3 2020

    UPDATED 11/4/20 – A total of 2,714 ballots were cast in the Village of Union Grove for the General Election on November 3, 2020, representing a 91.8% turnout of registered electors. To view unofficial County-wide election results, including Union Grove results, visit the Racine County Election Results webpage.

Contact Us

925 15th Avenue
Union Grove, WI 53182
Phone: (262) 878-1818
Office hours: Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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